Peter Sutter教授在纳米材料与表面科学领域有许多突出贡献,是享誉国际的顶级科学家,长期在石墨烯和相关二维材料领域开展研究,之前任职于蜚声海外的布鲁克海文国家实验室,于2015年六月到内布拉斯加林肯大学工作,届时将有每年5--8个博士生的名额,希望有物理和材料以及化学专业方面的本科毕业生踊跃报名。Sutter教授为人非常的nice,而且水平非常高,是一个既有天赋有特别勤奋的科学家。
The Sutter group at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (http://unlcms.unl.edu/engineering/mme/eli-sutter/welcome) has an immediate opening for two Postdoctoral Research Associate positions;
Position 1. In the area of in-situ transmission electron microscopy. The successful candidate will work on in-situ microscopy applied to understanding the synthesis of nanomaterials and heterostructures, as well as self-assembly. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, or a related field. Requires extensive experience in transmission electron microscopy, including instrument operation, in-situ experiments in different environments and/or variable temperatures, independent data acquisition and analysis.
Position 2. In the area of fabrication and measurements of advanced devices based on 2D materials. The successful candidate will use unique 2D materials synthesized in the group to fabricate (opto-) electronic and energy conversion devices and to measure their properties. The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, or a related field. Requires extensive experience in cleanroom microfabrication and electronic transport and photo-electric measurements. Additional experience in materials characterization (XRD, Raman, PL, STM/AFM, SEM, TEM, etc.) will be a plus.
To apply, please submit application materials (CV, publication list, brief (1 page) statement of research experience/interests) to Prof. Peter Sutter (psutter@unl.edu).