约翰霍普金斯大学招收生物信息学研究博士后,要求生物信息学、计算机科学等相关学科博士学历,有RNA-seq, BS-seq, ATAC-seq, and ChIP-seq数据处理经验。感兴趣的申请者请准备个人简历,说明个人研究成果;研究经历及科研成就;个人对环境表观遗传学研究的理解和职业目标等。约翰霍普金斯大学医学院生物医学研究与耶鲁大学世界排名并列第十。同时霍普金斯还是美国最佳医院之一,在美国最佳医院排名榜单中稳居Top3。
A Bioinformatics Postdocotral Fellow or Technician : Baltimore, MD, United States
Johns Hopkins University
A Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Fellow position or Technician at Johns Hopkins University is available immediately, with supports from NIH R01 and U01 TaRGETII epigenome project (Nature Biotechnology, 2018 doi:10.1038/nbt.4099). The ideal bioinformatics applicant should have degrees in bioinformatics, computer science, or other related fields with strong quantitative training. We expect that the candidate has experiences in analyzing next generation sequencing data, such as RNA-seq, BS-seq, ATAC-seq, and ChIP-seq data. We have generated tons of deep sequencing data waiting to be analyzed, and the hard working, self-motivated candidate is expected to have multiple papers in the near future. The candidate will be jointly supervised by collaborator Dr. Ji in Biostatistics (http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~hji/).
The long-term goal of the Wang Laboratory of Human Environmental Epigenomes has been pursuing 3 aims:
(1) What kind of epigenetic codes (histone codes, nucleosome positioning, and DNA methylation patterns) exists in the human/mouse genome (Cell, 2007; Nature Genet, 2008; Cell, 2008; Immunity, 2009; Curr Opin Genet Dev, 2009; Nature, 2011; G&D, 2011; Genome Biol, 2015; Cell Discov 2017);
(2) How these epigenetic codes are established by corresponding enzymes in normal cells for growth and differentiation (Cell, 2009; Science, 2010; Nature, 2010; Sci Rept, 2015; NAR, 2016; Mol Cell, 2016);
(3) How this establishment goes awry upon environmental exposure, thereby contributing to the human diseases (Curr Environ Health Rep, 2014; Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 2015; Nature Biotech, 2018; BioRxiv, 2018; and 5 papers in revision).
The lab currently pursues biological questions including "transgerational epigenetic inheritance" and "fetal origin of adult disease." To our goals, we have been routinely using cutting-edge techniques (including our developed ChIP-seq, Cell 2007; MNase-seq, Cell 2008; ACE-mapping, Genome Biol 2015; NORED and MethylMosaic, Cell Discov 2017) to determine changes of epigenetic patterns in normal and disease cells for mechanistic insights. For example, we are actively performing experiments to determine the crosstalk of allelic DNA methylation, genetic variation, and allelic gene expression for human disease (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer disease, asthma, T2D/obesity, and cancer). In addition, we have ongoing research on fundamental mechanism about chromatin resetting during transcriptional elongation for suppressing cryptic initiation.
All applications should include: (1) CV with statement of your availability, (2) description of past research experience and accomplishments, (3) your interest/understanding of environmental epigenomes and your career goal (1 page). Please email your application to: Dr. Zhibin Wang, Associate Professor zbwang2000@yahoo.com. Also see https://ehe.jhu.edu/research/faculty-research-interests/wang/index.html
JHU is a premium biomedical research institute in the world (tied with Yale U. as 10th best global U. by USNews.com). Hopkins has the best hospital in US in many years and its prominence is also evidenced by leading U.S. academic institutions in total R&D spending in 38 consecutive years ($2.3 billion in 2016; $1 billion more than the 2nd ranked U.). Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) is the first and largest public health school in the world and ranked No.1 year in and year out. It receives about 25% of all funds distributed among the 40 U.S. schools of public health. It is BSPH establishing the first Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biostatics (and the field)/Epidemiology/Immunology/Mental Health/Public Health Management in the world. The Wang Lab alumni have gone on successful careers of their own in Anhembi Morumbi University in São Paulo; Brazil; Baylor College of Medicine; Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine; Dalian Medical U.(Depty Dean), China; General Hospital of Air Force (as Beijing Star of Young Scholars); Hubei U.(Deputy Dean), China; Qilu Medical U. (as Young Scholar Leader), China; Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University; U. of Hyderabad, India; etc. Note, total 18 medical schools/universities in China.